Panda Prize Pusher is inspired by arcade prize machines where you push the prizes past stoppers down into the prize chute. 

In Panda Prize Pusher you push a pink panda plush through a series of connected prize machines until it falls out of the last one and into your possession. There are 5 short levels. Push the panda through each machine until you reach the end! You might find that it is not the only thing sinking deeper and deeper.


  • Move with arrow keys, A & D, or the onscreen buttons on the prize machine.
  • Push down with Space, Enter, or the onscreen button on the prize machine.
  • Reset the machine with the onscreen button on the prize machine


  • Push the pink panda plush down the prize chute.
  • Each push costs $5
  • Resetting the machine does not rollback the total amount of money spent

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